Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Meshing Libraries with Hackerspaces

January 3, 2012 - (SCI-TECH NEWS) This following video is probably the best explanation you'll find regarding personal manufacturing, MIT's FabLab, and hackerspaces - about where they are today and where they will bring us tomorrow.

The video was made to support a proposal of creating a FabLab at the Fayetteville Free Library in New York.

The argument to place a FabLab in a library is quite compelling. Libraries are often built to accompany institutions of education, from primary and secondary schools, to universities and vocational colleges. The libraries in this case augment the theoretical and practical education provided, and afford students the resources to carry out their required studies as well as delve deeper into any given subject matter. Why not conversely augment stand-alone libraries with educational facilities, both theoretical and practical?

The Fayetteville Free Library's campaign to raise support and some of the progress they've made can be found in the video above and on their indeigogo page here. They already have a MakerBot 3D printer on hand and construction has begun on the space they plan on converting into a FabLab. It looks like a great project and if you are in central New York area and you are interested in getting involved, pay them a visit.