Saturday, March 17, 2012

Geek Group: A Premier HackerSpace

MARCH 18, 2012 ( SCI-TECH NEWS) There is a vast array of hacker spaces around the globe and many have made unique contributions to the emerging open source paradigm. However, there is one above all others, which is prolific not only locally but online as well - the Geek Group located in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Perhaps the best explanation as to what the Geek Group does can be found on their YouTube channel in a new video titled, "Geek Group & Haas Partnership Announcement."

While the Geek Group has yet to create something as paradigm shifting as NYC Resistor's MakerBot, their educational videos have increased in both quality and utility - that is - amidst a major move and the ongoing  renovation of their Leonard Street location.

For those who have watched Geek Group's videos since before their move to their new location, they will certainly appreciate how far they've come. While visiting them, here in Thailand, poses a bit of a logistical problem, the torrent of videos they produce provide inspiration and assistance in emulating their model of providing a community center for teaching and exploring science and technology.