Monday, April 23, 2012

Arudino: Realistic Flickering Flame Effect

Mike from London posted a project on Instructables involving LED's and an Arduino, along with the required code to get the project to flicker like a flame. It looked simple enough to try as a good next project after going through the Spark Fun experiments and it turned out to work very well.

Mike from London's video on how he accomplished his flicker effect with an Arduino.

I used "Circuit 02" from the Spark Fun kit which uses 8 LED's - while the Instructable project used only 3. I adapted the code* to accommodate the extra LED's and it worked perfectly. Next I constructed a prototype shade to diffuse the light using a piece of paper, reflective material taken from a drink box, and some metal wire to form the top of the shade. Luckily, the wires and resisters hold the shade in place at its base perfectly - at least as perfectly as you'd want in a prototype.

The next step is to develop a process to make Arduino experiments into finished products - fully functional, permanent prototypes. Of course, unless it was absolutely necessary, you wouldn't want to encase your Arduino into a finished product unless it was something like a robot or large automated system. In the case of an electric candle light, it would be practical to use a smaller and much cheaper microcontroller. Make Magazine recently did a video and article where they explained the process of using an Arduino and its development environment to program an ATtiny45 or 85 chip - this was in turn based on an MIT tutorial which can be found here

This  Make Magazine video is quite interesting and I thought I would include it here. The number of pins might limit my design down to a certain number of LED's - this all remains to be seen.

I've chosen a coconut to serve as my light fixture - they are omnipresent in Thailand, sturdy, interesting to look at, and easy to work with. Until I can source an ATtiny chip and do a test run on a breadboard, I'll just have to settle with this conceptualization I did in SketchUp to show readers where this project will go next.

A conceptualization of the next step. The base used for the ATtiny chip will be a coconut, though the shade and other features to best distribute the light have yet to be determined. Luckily coconuts are a dime a dozen in Thailand and experimenting with different designs will be very easy to do.

Here's what the prototype looked like after adapting the Instructable's design by Mike (Earthshine) to use 8 inline LED's and a paper shade. The flickering effect is very subtle which is exactly why it is so effective. It actually looks like the light cast by a flame - not blinking lights.
While this project is not very advanced - it is the process of prototyping and developing an idea with an Arduino and then adapting it to a more permanent platform for everyday use. The lessons learned here can then be used for other, more advanced projects in the future.


* Here is the code I used with the SparkFun Circuit02 setup:

// LED Fire Effect

int ledPin1 = 6;
int ledPin2 = 7;
int ledPin3 = 8;
int ledPin4 = 9;
int ledPin5 = 2;
int ledPin6 = 3;
int ledPin7 = 4;
int ledPin8 = 5;

void setup()
pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin3, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
analogWrite(ledPin1, random(120)+135);
analogWrite(ledPin2, random(120)+135);
analogWrite(ledPin3, random(120)+135);
analogWrite(ledPin4, random(120)+135);
analogWrite(ledPin5, random(120)+135);
analogWrite(ledPin6, random(120)+135);
analogWrite(ledPin7, random(120)+135);
analogWrite(ledPin8, random(120)+135);

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Geek Group: A Premier HackerSpace

MARCH 18, 2012 ( SCI-TECH NEWS) There is a vast array of hacker spaces around the globe and many have made unique contributions to the emerging open source paradigm. However, there is one above all others, which is prolific not only locally but online as well - the Geek Group located in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Perhaps the best explanation as to what the Geek Group does can be found on their YouTube channel in a new video titled, "Geek Group & Haas Partnership Announcement."

While the Geek Group has yet to create something as paradigm shifting as NYC Resistor's MakerBot, their educational videos have increased in both quality and utility - that is - amidst a major move and the ongoing  renovation of their Leonard Street location.

For those who have watched Geek Group's videos since before their move to their new location, they will certainly appreciate how far they've come. While visiting them, here in Thailand, poses a bit of a logistical problem, the torrent of videos they produce provide inspiration and assistance in emulating their model of providing a community center for teaching and exploring science and technology.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Arduino IDE on an EEEPC 701 Netbook

February 29, 2012 (PROJECTS & CONCEPTS) The Arduino is a simple-to-use microcontroller, which is essentially a programmable controller used to operate electronic projects. By measuring and regulating inputs and outputs, the Arduino can control lighting, motors, sound, and just about anything else electronic you can properly hook up to it. To give the Arduino instructions, you must write a program in the Arduino "Integrated Development Environment" (IDE) and upload it to the controller. This is generally done from your desktop or notebook computer.
An Asus EEEPC 701. This was the original model that started the netbook craze. Since then, Asus has come out with a whole line of EEEPC's including tablets and desktop versions. The 701 is still a convenient way to bring reading with you, browse the Internet, and now, with Ubuntu's Netbook 10.10 operating system, work on Arduino projects.
Luckily, even if you are a beginner in programming and you are unsure of what you are looking at - a lot of code is already freely available online to use with projects, and many times instructions are given as to how to tweak it to give different results. You need to have the IDE on your computer to work out the code and upload it to the Arduino - usually by a USB cable. If you are using Windows, you can simply download the IDE software, install it like a normal program and have it running in minutes.

If you have Linux, on the other hand, it can be a great deal more difficult - especially if you are like me and know very little about this open source operating system (OS). However, I have an Asus EEEPC netbook, a 701 model - the first model they came out with several years ago - and it came by default with Linux Xandros. I had long since replaced it with EEEbuntu (another Linux distribution) and it has worked flawlessly for years. But now I wanted another machine to run Arduino from, and since my main computers are generally rendering 3D around the clock on a very cluttered desk, I thought it would be handy to have my small EEEPC as a Arduino console to bring with me where I was working.

Installing Arduino on EEEbuntu is probably possible if you are an expert in Linux and using its terminal function. If you are a causal user, it is not. I then embarked on a three day odyssey searching for any OS that could both run Arduino's IDE and be installed on my EEEPC 701. I tried searching for different Linux Ubuntu distributions, both old and new, I even managed to get Andriod running for a day, but was rife with problems. I finally ended up with Ubuntu's Netbook version 10.10. I followed the instructions found on this beginner's guide on how to install the Arduino IDE on Ubuntu, and it finally worked.

The steps I took are as follows:

1. Download the utility Unetbootin on your computer (a Windows PC in my case). This allows you to download .iso files and put them on a blank USB thumbdrive. This USB drive can then be used to boot from on your EEEPC and install the OS of your choice - in my case, Unbutu 10.10 Netbook (download here: ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso

2. In Unetbootin, select Diskimage, keep it as ISO, and browse to your download folder and find the .iso file you just downloaded. Ensure that you have the correct drive for your USB selected because this process will erase any data you may have on another device or drive. When you are doing this sort of work - it is best to disconnect everything else just to be on the safe side. After clicking "OK" it will place the .iso image on your thumbdrive and when it is finished you simply close it (don't "reboot"), remove the drive and connect it to your EEEPC.

If you successfully hit your Esc key during your EEEPC's boot up, you should see this screen. If you have your USB thumbdrive with the Ubuntu .iso on it, it should show up as an option, usually the second one down. Pick it and hit enter.

3. Turn on your EEEPC and hit the Esc key at start up - a blue screen with boot options comes up (you might have to hit Esc several times until it comes up). You want to make sure you select your USB drive as the boot up device. If it works successfully, you will begin the self-guided process of installing Ubuntu. If a white line is blinking, you may have to shut it down, reformat your thumb drive, reinstall the .iso image, and start over (this happened to me many times when installing different OS' during the last 3 days).

4. Once you have Ubuntu up and running on your EEEPC, follow this fool-proof guide on installing Arduino's IDE. It worked for me the first time - and I am extremely inexperienced in all things Linux and not a computer expert by any stretch of the imagination.
My EEEPC running Ubuntu Netbook 10.10 with Arduino's IDE successfully running. The project to the left is the Sparkfun kit, circuit 14, the code for which can be found here. I was able to load a "fade" code example that is included with the IDE - and without changing anything to the circuit, the LED pulses on and off.

I was then able to upload to my Arduino successfully my programs and it worked flawlessly. If you try this and run into any problems contact us here at HackerSpaceTH at Gmail dot com. We will be glad to help, as I can personally attest, it can be very frustrating - but just remember, we hack not because it is easy, but precisely because it is satisfyingly challenging.    

Friday, February 24, 2012

Arduino: Circiut 02 - Circuit 14

February 24, 2012 (PROJECTS & CONCEPTS) I decided to go through all the circuits provided in the Sparkfun Inventor's Kit. Four in particular turned out to be great ideas to expand on - controlling a row of LEDs, using a potentiometer to control a servo, controlling a piezo element to produce tones, and using a soft potentiometer to fade through colors on an RGB LED.

Out of 14 circuits, these 4 were the most interesting. Combining these circuits in different ways might be a good next step before moving on to more complex projects.The circuit on the bottom left is one such combination.
Combining these circuits would be a good next step - getting some experience creating new projects on your own without simply going through the steps provided. In fact, the potentiometer-controlled servo was a combination of a basic servo rotation circuit and a potentiometer/LED circuit. The next step will be to produce some more practical applications. Right now we have 2 Arduinos here, so one can be used to experiment and teach with, while another can be integrated into a full-time application for long term testing and development.

We're looking at some some applications to gather and Tweet information automatically, or perhaps automate some processes around here. For now, all the projects are running off the USB port of a computer - so I'll have to look into and execute a few projects utilizing a DC adapter before developing permanent stand-alone applications.

More to come soon...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Arduino: Circuit 01

February 23, 2012 (PROJECTS & CONCEPTS) The Sparkfun Inventor's Kit is an easy way to get into Arduino. It comes with components for 14 different test circuits that works with code included with Arduino's software found on their website. If you have no experience with electronics at all, it would be a great way to get into it. No soldering is required, and since the experiments run off of power provided by your computer's USB port, no batteries or power sources are needed either. 

What is an Arduino? Arduino The Documentary (2010). A history of the Arduino microcontroller and an introduction to open source hardware. from gnd on Vimeo.

The code included with the examples is well annotated. For those with a little experience in coding, changing parameters and uploading them takes seconds and the results easily observed. The first circuit - 01 - is a simple blinking LED with parameters to switch it on, off, and the duration it remains in each state. A video of the circuit being assembled and running can be found here. From the simple example that turns on and off for one second each, you can easily shorten the duration, double the loop, and end up with an LED mimicking the rhythm of a human heart.

An open source Arduino "Uno" microcontroller. Claims of how easy it is to use are understated - the software and interface are approachable even for people who feel uncomfortable around programming and electronics. For those with even a little experience in either coding or electronic (or both) it is all the more easy.

The Sparkfun Inventor's Kit. This set up is "Circuit 01" and allows you to control a single LED. Upon setting it up, following the instructions, in less than 5 minutes I was already changing the code and observing my handy work. Other circuits include controlling a DC motor, a servo, and several types of input devices - sensors and buttons. 

For a hackerspace, a kit like Sparkfun's gives people a chance to get a feel for using an Arduino before jumping into more complicated projects. Since there is no soldering involved, mistakes can be quickly fixed and the learning process moving forward. If you are looking to start working with Arduino microcontrollers, this kit is a great way to do it.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Printing 3D Body Parts - For Real

first seen on Hack-a-Day...

Need a new mandible (jaw?) Print one. Using layers of titanium powder built up to form a 3D custom mandible for a patient, LayerWise in conjunction with Xilloc Medical as well as medical professionals from a range of disciplines have pushed 3D printing to practical extremes. Unlike previous medical uses of 3D printing, also known as "rapid prototyping," this creation is a fully functioning, permanent implant, not a model conceptualization of one.
Billed as the "very first customised 3D-printed lower jaw" the Xilloc mandibular implant is constructed out of titanium powder layer by layer fused by a high intensity laser. Coated with an artificial bone-like substance and outfitted with everything needed to be successfully implanted into a patient, the replacement-jaw is a living example of science-fiction become reality.

Initially used for prototyping, a growing number of processes are being developed to produce custom products, short run production of real components used in functional objects, and in the case of this latest achievement, high-quality, state-of-the-art permanent medical implants. The process utilized by LayerWise is described on their website. While similar to other additive manufacturing processes in theory, what makes LayerWise's process interesting is the fact that they use metals in their 3D printing process, while most processes today use different forms of plastic. A high-intensity laser traces, layer-by-layer a 3D design broken down into multiple 2D slices - the result is a precision-built 3D object.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

X Prize: Star Trek Medical Tricorder


Believe it or not, a lot of the technology seen in the original Star Trek series has already become a reality. From personal communicators (the modern mobile phone) to a communication officer's earpiece (bluetooth earpieces). Even the early traces of the replicator introduced later in the franchise can be seen in modern day 3-D printers.

The Star Trek medical tricorder: compact and versatile, it provides users with instant diagnoses for a number of injuries, conditions, and diseases as well as general vital signs and other useful health and health-related environmental metrics.  
 Now, a competition has begun, sponsored by the X Prize Foundation, to develop a Star Trek-style medical tricorder. The X Prize Foundation first began back in the 1990's by challenging private teams to develop a suborbital flight system capable of making two launches within as many weeks for a prize of $10 million USD. The contest ultimately succeeded when Scaled Composites' SpaceShipOne completed the requirements on October 4, 2004.

What is a medical tricorder? It is a handheld device used by doctors in the Star Trek universe to quickly and non-invasively diagnosis medical conditions. They've been depicted as capable of identifying ailments and physical damage, reading symptoms such as temperature, hydration, and neural activity, identifying DNA (though detailed sequencing was usually done back in sickbay), and even environmental factors that may pose a health threat.

What are the requirements? From the official prize website: "As envisioned for this competition, the device will be a tool capable of capturing key health metrics and diagnosing a set of 15 diseases. Metrics for health could include such elements as blood pressure, respiratory rate, and temperature. Ultimately, this tool will collect large volumes of data from ongoing measurement of health states through a combination of wireless sensors, imaging technologies, and portable, non-invasive laboratory replacements." More details about guidelines can be found here.

Hackerspaces? While a single hackerspace might not have the resources to produce a single device capable of the full set of requirements, the open source collaborative nature of hackerspaces worldwide could probably each focus on a few solutions and ultimately combine them as success is met.  A visit to's "Medical Hacks" already shows many innovative solutions that could enhance health, and lower the cost for tools normally out of most people's price range.

The key to lowering helthcare costs in the long run is coming up with cheaper, more capable biomedical technology and increasing access to quality education to both develop and use the technology as well as apply it in a medical context. Quite obviously a single diagnosis tool you can hold in the palm of your hand is a good start. It would be interesting to see what other objects in the typical Starfleet sickbay inventors and hackers could come up with after being inspired by this new competition.

Monday, January 23, 2012

MakerBot: The Apple I of Personal Fabrication

Bre Pettis out of NYC Resistor and co-founder of MakerBot gave a 40+ minute talk at the 2009 Gnomedex not only explaining the MakerBot 3D printer, but his thoughts on collaboration, open source design, distributed manufacturing and possibilities that lay ahead for personal fabrication.

There is a video featured during Bre's talk that can be found here in a better more audible quality. Readers will be happy to know that there is now a new version of the MakerBot, called the Replicator which includes a larger print area and additional features. A video featuring the Replicator can be found below.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Self-assembling Modular Construction

January 14, 2012 (PROJECTS & CONCEPTS) A human being, animal or plant is made up of individual cells. Each cell is alive in its own right, containing the means to produce its own energy, protect itself, and instructions for both its own maintenance and for carrying out its role in maintaining the health, well-being, and perpetuation of the organism it is a part of.

Now imagine a robotic cell -or module - containing its own ability to procure energy, its own set of instructions written in its memory, a means of motility (movement), and a way to interact with neighboring robotic modules. Instead of forming a biological organism, or its predisposition being determined by evolution, it could form mechanical systems or architectural structures determined by human innovation instead.

In this following video, we can see interconnected modules reconfiguring their collective shape. Toward the end of the video we see a computer simulation of a sprawled out pile of these modules reconfiguring themselves into a column shaped structure.

The implications of advanced modules capable of independent motility as well as collectively reconfiguring themselves into various structures, leads to future construction methods involving the on or off-site fabrication of these modules (3D printing), the programming of a predetermined shape or shapes, and simply allowing the modules to configure themselves into a finished structure. As we saw previously, other forms of autonomous robotics (quadcopters) can also assist in positioning the modules where they can then further self-assemble.

The fact that these modules would possess a power source, a means of communication with other modules, and programmable memory to carry out tasks could give characteristics to a built environment unlike anything we have today. For instance, power distribution throughout a structure would be potentially omnipresent - meaning that even if an entire wall was removed, knocked out or otherwise excluded from the rest of the structure, power could be rerouted throughout the remaining modules and various power-points without interruption.

Other Possibilities

What if these modules were programmed with fabrication capabilities? In other words, what if they could first configure themselves into a computer controlled multi-axis 3D printer or router? They could then build additional, specialized modules and distribute them accordingly throughout a given design. They could recycle modules that are damaged, outdated, or no longer in use, and fabricate new modules in their place. They could create structures besides modules, such as cladding, railing, even furniture. A structure could, if given the proper amount of resources and energy for fabrication activity, essentially last forever, carrying out self-maintenance and even rebuilding itself into an entirely new structure or combine with nearby structures using similar modular construction designs. Such a structure could also disassemble itself for collection and relocation. With fabrication abilities, it is even possible the disassembled structure could relocate itself.

With self-assembling abilities, a million modules could simultaneously work with pre-programmed instructions to build a structure with their only limitation being their own technical abilities. Besides a human supervisor and technical team to oversee the assembly process, traditional construction crews would not be needed after laying a foundation.

Coral Reef at Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge
Just like a coral reef is comprised of millions of individual, self-sufficient organisms that combine to create entire structures, so too could cities and towns of the future be made out of millions of individual robotic architectural modules. Photo cedit: Jim Maragos/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Imagine an entire city built with modules using standardized interconnections. Entire blocks, even districts could be reconfigured by having the modules autonomously execute planned urban renewal. Such a city could be roughly analogous to a coral reef, where individual organisms form calcified structures that interlock forming greater structures creating an entire ecosystem where life flourishes. The analogy diverges when human ingenuity is introduced. A coral reef is confined by the slow pace of evolution, while a city built of self-reconfiguring modules, augmented with automated, distributed fabrication can improve itself as quickly as the human mind can innovate. One generation of modules can be used to mass-produce the next, improved generation.

Benefits of Smart Building Material

Material Characteristics: The column visualized in Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute computer simulation shows that individual modules can configure themselves, regardless of their own geometry, into various shapes, including cylindrical columns used for load bearing. While a handful of these modules would be insufficient to carry the weight of a full-sized structure, hundreds, even thousands might. Just as a tree is made up of cellulose and lignin which exhibit characteristics desirable for resisting tension and compression respectively, and their collective effects form the versatile timber used in construction, similar characteristics could be built into self-reconfiguring modules.

Safety & Maintenance: That these "smart" building materials would be networked would not only aid in construction and renovation efforts, but could greatly enhance the safety and maintenance of a structure. Imagine a building constructed from such modules from top to bottom. A flame, heat, gasses, irregular stresses in the structure, minute shifts in the entire structure's position on its foundation can all be detected by a sensor matrix distributed through some or all of the modules. In turn, a monitoring system accessible to tenants and owners, and voluntarily made available to emergency response teams, would compile and display this information. Automated defensive, corrective, and repair responses could even be included in the programming of each module or accessible and executable through the modules' network interface.

Automatically Generated Floor Plans: Something every designer or architect knows is the importance of having accurate plans for a given project in need of updating or renovation. With a structure built of smart-modules, an accurate plan will first already exist for the original design and be carried by the modules, and secondly, even if additional reconfigurations have taken place, each module will be able to understand its location in relation to other modules, and as a whole what the entire design looks like. Gone may be the days of measuring physical dimensions as one of the only means to understand a given space.

The Future

Mega-structures such as arcologies, hive-cities, and orbital torus-shaped habitats would either be monumental tasks undertaken by thousands of human workers, or broken down into self-replicating, self-assembling, self-reconfiguring systems that build these lofty projects themselves. Such methods would speed construction exponentially, and as a particular project progressed, these systems would build additional systems to aid in construction - replacing human hands with millions of autonomous hands guided by the master design.
D_Shape is a massive 3D printing machine that produces entire structures at a time, one of many novel construction methods that may be integrated with self-assembling modular construction in the future. The creator, Enrico Dini imagines one day using a similar method to construct colonies on the moon
Already, the complexity of nature has pushed designers and engineers attempting to replicate its intricacies into mimicking a bottom up, self-assembling method of construction. While traditional methods of building architecture still prevail, already interactive systems and smart materials are being added to structures. And while experimental, novel methods of construction, including giant-scale 3D printing and mobile CNC milling robots are already being experimented with.

For those interested in participating in this revolution, studying good design techniques as well as gaining experience in interactive design - the Arduino microcontroller which bridges the divide between the digital and physical world for example - would be good steps to take. Also, something as simple as looking around at nature and the marvels of its ability to self-assemble can help inspire the next step in innovation. This is something already taking place in hackerspaces, FabLabs, and hobbyist clubs around the world and something we hope will be happening here at HackerSpaceTH very soon.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ball Cameras & Flying Robotic Worker Bees

January 10, 2012 (SCI-TECH NEWS) Called the "Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera" it does exactly what it says it does. It's a ball, it gets thrown, and at the height of its vertical ascent, takes a panorama using 36 mobile phone cameras embedded into its structure.

It's more of a prospective product than a hack, but it is still incredibly interesting and has many implications. For one, it gives users a creative and easy way to create an immersive environment. Coupled with RC helicopters and now quadcopters that are beginning to fill the skies we can only imagine the type of images and ideas that are to come.

Speaking of quadcopters, I first saw this ball camera story on BLDG BLOG, which covers the many otherwise untold stories concerning architecture and infrastructure. It also featured a story on semi-autonomous quadcopter robots that assembled an entire structure out of polystyrene foam bricks.

What will be really interesting is when these robotic worker bees are teamed up with semi-self-assembling smart-building material. Watching the robotic quadcopters assemble the building is amazing, but the bricks are free standing and the final outcome looks precarious. What if, inside each brick was a system to make minor adjustments in the brick's position and then lock it into place? What if through each brick ran conduits for power and LAN cables? We'll look at this in some depth in our next post - self-assembling modular construction.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Turning Virtual Games into Tabletop Games

January 8, 2012 - (SCI-TECH NEWS) Hack A Day, a website that features technological hacks, builds, projects, and how-to's, recently posted, "3D printing Minecraft worlds." What's Minecraft you might ask? It is a computer game where you inhabit a virtual world and are given building blocks to manipulate and build it as you please. As simple as it sounds, incredible creations have resulted  - from comical monuments to realistic historical and futuristic land and cityscapes.

Why settle for just playing a game on your computer? With computer-controlled manufacturing now in the hands of the average person, 3D models of in-game Minecraft creations become a reality on your desktop. More images can be found on the Mineways flickr collection.
The next step seemed logical. People wanted to build in reality what they were able to create virtually. Many people did so manually with Lego sets or even cardboard, but it got truly intriguing when people started to "print" them in 3D.  Hack A Day really explains this part best here in their post, including the software that bridges the game and the software used to instruct the 3D printers. They also included the below video which explains the "how" of capturing which section of your virtual world you'd like to make a reality, and then printing it out as a physical 3D model.

The 3D printers used aren't always specified but one project featured in their post was a mountain range produced with the open-source RepRap 3D printer. This printer is generally made by hobbyists and one machine can be used to print the connectors and many of the components for additional machines. The machine builds objects by heating a plastic filament and laying down layer upon layer until an entire object is completed.

The Zprinter 650 is a commercial rapid-prototyper (3D printer) and has been used similarly to create impressive  results using the Mineways software to export in-game designs to 3D printers. See the video below for a tour of the above pictured village.

What does this mean for the future of the gaming industry? As personal manufacturing becomes more accessible to the average person it's a good bet that game designers will start thinking ahead of how to help bridge the gap between the virtual world and the real world and perhaps entire games can be created with this sort of "foot-in, foot-out" possibility in mind. The possibilities are exciting and of course, so is the fact that regular people are the ones now pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Engineering: The 747 Jetliner

January 7, 2012 - (SCI-TECH NEWS) The venerable 747 jetliner is a modern marvel of aerospace engineering - one of the most recognizable aircraft ever built. The story of the 747's development links the dawn of commercial aviation to today's carbon-fiber composite aircraft exhibited by one of the 747's descendents, the 787 Dreamliner. It is also a testament to the value of quality engineering able to stand the test of time.

 747 cutaway. Visit for more aerospace graphics. (click image to enlarge)

First introduced in 1970, the 747 has endured for 42 years with numerous variants produced to serve an ever growing number of specialized tasks required by clients around the world. From passenger services to lifting cargo, to even carrying NASA's space shuttles between facilities across the United States, the iconic aircraft's solid design, enormous size, and reliability has allowed it to endure. Below, "Great Planes: Boeing 747" tells the tale of the 747, of the crew of engineers, designers, and workers that raced to finish the first plane, and the trials and tribulations the craft went through during its development.

Great Planes: Boeing 747 - Documentary (53:18) via YouTube

Of course, all good things must come to an end. Engineering skills are just as necessary to disassemble and recycle the 747 when it reaches the end of its service life. National Geographic's 747 "Megastructures Breakdown" features a team of mechanics dismantling the goliath aircraft in order to recycle an amazing 98% out of its 6 million parts and 66 tons of aluminum.

National Geographic's Megastructures Breakdown: Plane (50:18) via YouTube

Of course, reconditioning a 747, even superficially, is also a technical feat all in its own. Here is the repainting of a 747...

Time Lapse: Rebranding a 747 (6:36) via YouTube

While hackerspaces emphasize putting designing, engineering, and technological skills into the hands of the average person, seeing how professional engineers solve problems can serve as both instructive and inspirational for even the weekend hobbyist. The problems and subsequent solutions the engineers behind building the 747, as well as those charged with dismantling and recycling it, are good examples of applying theory to practice and the value of being patient and persistent in the face of an enormous goal.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Meshing Libraries with Hackerspaces

January 3, 2012 - (SCI-TECH NEWS) This following video is probably the best explanation you'll find regarding personal manufacturing, MIT's FabLab, and hackerspaces - about where they are today and where they will bring us tomorrow.

The video was made to support a proposal of creating a FabLab at the Fayetteville Free Library in New York.

The argument to place a FabLab in a library is quite compelling. Libraries are often built to accompany institutions of education, from primary and secondary schools, to universities and vocational colleges. The libraries in this case augment the theoretical and practical education provided, and afford students the resources to carry out their required studies as well as delve deeper into any given subject matter. Why not conversely augment stand-alone libraries with educational facilities, both theoretical and practical?

The Fayetteville Free Library's campaign to raise support and some of the progress they've made can be found in the video above and on their indeigogo page here. They already have a MakerBot 3D printer on hand and construction has begun on the space they plan on converting into a FabLab. It looks like a great project and if you are in central New York area and you are interested in getting involved, pay them a visit.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello World...

January 2, 2012 (HACKERSPACE NEWS) Hackerspaces, makerspaces, FabLabs... just as a fitness club allows people a place to exercise their bodies, these spaces & labs allow people to exercise their creativity, technical talents, and imaginations.

It's a new year, and time to try a new project. Being a designer involved in real world projects as well as having a background in teaching, I thought it would be interesting to join the growing global community of hackspaces. Bangkok, Thailand to my knowledge doesn't have a hackspace so I thought I would offer those interested in design, electronics, computers, and other technical hobbies a place to converge and collaborate.

The nearest hackspace appears to be in Singapore, and since I do many projects in Singapore, it would be interesting to link up with them once HackSpaceTH gets up and running. We'd also like to get involved in MIT's FabLab project which hosts a conference once a year for those interested in starting a branch of their own. For those that don't know what a FabLab is, the best description can be found in MIT's Neil Gershenfeld's explanation at his TED Talk uploaded in 2007.

Our current goal is to build up over the next year a membership to sustain our activities and perhaps even attend this year's FabLab8 which looks like it will be held in New Zealand. We're also greatly inspired by a project in Michigan, USA called the Geek Group. It claims to be the world's largest makerspace and it's easy to see why. They managed to convert an old school, complete with an indoor basketball court, into a massive makerspace featuring computer labs, a 24/7 radio station, a wood shop, industrial CNC machines and even a pair of KUKA industrial robotic arms.

So keep an eye on this spot for updates. We also plan on using this blog to cover Sci-Tech News and projects as we get going. If you are in the Bangkok area and interested in joining HackersSpaceTH, send us an e-mail at If you just happened across this page, cannot visit us here in Bangkok, but would like to get involved, check out this Wikipedia list of hackerspaces around the globe.